Wednesday, May 21, 2014


At the end of the school year, teachers along with students find it hard to be motivated. We are tired and worn out and the end is in sight. However, as Christians we are called to do our best as unto the Lord and "finish well." Therefore, I have been striving to find different ways to motivate the students (and by extension, me) each day in the classroom. My husband, who is a high school coach, gave me the following acronym from an organization called Point Guard College. The word is SCHAPE. I know it isn't the right way to spell shape, but you will remember it now won't you? :) This word is on my classroom wall, reminding students how to be the best they can be. It motivated me this week and I hope it helps them as well. Maybe it'll help others too -- you, the reader of this blog, or someone who hears about it second hand. This word gives us tools for how to approach life, school, a sport, anything.
S stands for Spirit. If we approach anything we do with enthusiasm and a good attitude, we will be better. C stands for Communication. Communication is important and we need to remember that 80% of what we communicate is non-verbal. H is for Hustle. This doesn't just mean doing things fast. Hustling is doing more than your share, giving your all. A is for Approach. If we approach each thing we do with tenacity and our best effort, God will bless the rest. P is for Precision. Details are important. E is for Enhancement. After we've done everything else, always look to go above and beyond. Always be ready to get better.
Now in class we can say "Let's SCHAPE this assignment." I'm striving to SCHAPE my teaching as well.

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