Wednesday, May 21, 2014


At the end of the school year, teachers along with students find it hard to be motivated. We are tired and worn out and the end is in sight. However, as Christians we are called to do our best as unto the Lord and "finish well." Therefore, I have been striving to find different ways to motivate the students (and by extension, me) each day in the classroom. My husband, who is a high school coach, gave me the following acronym from an organization called Point Guard College. The word is SCHAPE. I know it isn't the right way to spell shape, but you will remember it now won't you? :) This word is on my classroom wall, reminding students how to be the best they can be. It motivated me this week and I hope it helps them as well. Maybe it'll help others too -- you, the reader of this blog, or someone who hears about it second hand. This word gives us tools for how to approach life, school, a sport, anything.
S stands for Spirit. If we approach anything we do with enthusiasm and a good attitude, we will be better. C stands for Communication. Communication is important and we need to remember that 80% of what we communicate is non-verbal. H is for Hustle. This doesn't just mean doing things fast. Hustling is doing more than your share, giving your all. A is for Approach. If we approach each thing we do with tenacity and our best effort, God will bless the rest. P is for Precision. Details are important. E is for Enhancement. After we've done everything else, always look to go above and beyond. Always be ready to get better.
Now in class we can say "Let's SCHAPE this assignment." I'm striving to SCHAPE my teaching as well.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day of School...2013

Hi Everyone!

I am excited about the new year and I hope you are too. I love that teaching is filled with new beginnings. As we start out this new school year, I'm reminded that there are familiar faces and things to look forward to, but also many new adventures awaiting us. This year I am looking forward to improving on what I've already done, and trying new things as well! We have new technology in our classrooms so we're looking forward to new ways of thinking, creating, assessing, and teaching. I think the students will find that this makes lessons even more engaging and fun. I'm also excited about my teaching schedule this year. I will continue to teach my beloved American History, 7th grade math, and PE. However this year, I will have a 6th grade math class as well! This is new for me, but I'm really looking forward to the curriculum and the grade level. I know this year is going to be blessed because we have a great God who cares for us and for our students.

I saw this video and had to share...I love the enthusiasm!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

End of Trimester 2...

Here I am on Sunday evening, entering grades, and reflecting on this last trimester. It has been an exciting time for me as I've tried new strategies, used new resources, and had the privilege to teach things I've never taught before. I love our students at UC Academy and I look forward to an even better trimester 3!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Math Homework Hotline - Free from Harvey Mudd College

Free math homework help from 6-9pm every Sunday - Thursday evening! Harvey Mudd College is offering this wonderful service and our students can take advantage of it!

Just call 1-877-8-ASK-HMC and get some help with math!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Edmodo Codes

EDMODO group codes:

U.S. History (6th and 7th): 5e0hwj

Algebra 1 (4th): 094v00

7th Grade Math (3rd): 2x403o

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hi Everyone!
This is my first year at Upland Christian Academy and I'm very excited to get to know my students and their families. This year I will be teaching:

1st and 2nd period - PE
3rd period - 7th Grade Math
4th period - Algebra I (8th grade)
6th and 7th period - U.S. History (8th grade)

This blog will be a great place to share ideas, discuss topics, and document the adventures we have together.

See you in class!

Mrs. Carson